その作品を見るだけで大切な記憶が蘇るように、また触れたときの感覚、見る角度や動きの中でそれがどう変化して見えるかを考え、想像しながらデザインしていきます。既成の形にとらわれず、独自の視点で想像し創り上げるminami jewelryで、身につける人に新しい感覚を届けることができたら幸せです。そして日々を共に過ごし、たくさんの大切な思い出を日記のようにジュエリーに記憶していってほしいのです。
When I first started designing jewelry I was strongly influenced by my time studying contemporary dance at college. I would often use soft edges and curved lines representing the shape of the body and movements created through dance.
However, as time has passed along with my surroundings, the things that inspire me and influence the way I design jewelry have changed also. Lately the time I spend with my family and the experiences we share together is what influences me the most. These new experiences and places that I have visited along the way have led to me exploring and considering more shapes and materials in my designs.
Minami jewelry is one of the ways for me to express myself and my experiences. I hope that those who wear my jewelry are able to associate their own precious memories and experiences to the jewelry as well.